west county ladies

wc ladies bible study

 When: Thursday 6:00 PM

Where: Faith Center Dining Room, 300     

Leader: Di Perkins

Description: All ladies aged 18 and up are invited to join us for an exploration of the book of Galatians. Bring your Bible, a journal and a friend! Expect a night of laughing and learning together!

Women of the word

When: Thursday 9:30 AM

Where: CLC Dining Room, 206     

Leader: Maxine Weir

Description: WOW is an intergenerational women’s Bible study. It provides women with a place to study the Word together in a safe environment where each can share from her heart, find fellowship and make new friends.             


WCAG women gather for times of fellowship and ministry. There’s always good food and a chance to meet a new friend. To learn when our next gathering will be, contact the church office. We’d love to have you join us.