We’re So Glad you’re here

We'd love to get to know you….and for you to get to know us.

West County Assembly of God is a worshiping family on mission.  

Practicing whole-life generosity, we exist to reproduce Jesus in people of every nation and generation.

You’re invited to join our internationally diverse family in a warm, inviting atmosphere of worship.

West County Assembly of GOd

13431 N. Outer Forty Rd.

Chesterfield, MO 63017

(314) 434-1058 | EMAIL WCAG 

Directions from I-64/40 Eastbound

Take the MO-141 exit and continue straight on South Outer 40 Rd through the 141 intersection.  Continue East and make a left on Maryville Center Drive.  After crossing I-64, our WCAG will be on your right.

Directions from I-64/40 Westbound

Take the Maryville Center Drive exit and merge onto North Outer 40 Rd.  Make a right at the first light (Maryville Center Drive) and take the first right into our parking lot.  


Our 10:30 AM Sunday worship includes a vibrant worship experience and biblical teaching. Kidz Church for kidz birth through 5th grade is offered. Children's Ministries and our Child Check-In system information is available through the links or use the Our Ministries tab.

Greeters and ushers are happy to welcome and direct you. Please stop by the Welcome Center to learn more about our church family and leave contact information so that we can keep in touch. We look forward to worshiping together. 

what we believe 

…the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God.

…there is one God, eternally existent in three persons:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

…in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His personal future return to this earth in power and glory to rule for a thousand years.

…in the blessed hope – the rapture of the Church at Christ’s coming.

…the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Christ.

…regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.

…the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer.

…the baptism in the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it.

…in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life.

…in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting damnation.


The leadership of WCAG is excited to present our Growth Track. The Growth Track is a series of courses designed for everyone: the person exploring Christianity, the new believer in Christ, and those who have been walking their faith journey for a long time. We especially want newcomers to WCAG to attend.

The courses are as follows:

Learn 101 - Basics of Christianity and The Church

Grow 201 - Experiencing God, Experiencing Growth

Serve 301 - Shaped for a Purpose

All three courses will be completed by the end of the 6 weeks. The course takes place one time quarterly and is a pre-requisite to all those interested in church membership. Please contact the church office to learn when our next course begins.

We'd love to see you there!!!


 For our friends with special needs, we have parking spaces amenable to vans with ramps, regular handicapped spaces, an automatic door, and special listening devices for the hearing impaired.  If you need a listening device, just mention it to someone on the hospitality staff or an usher.